Monday 9 May 2011


ok...tadi pegi interview..interview okay!
jumpe lah faiz..hahahha
die still cam dulu..i miss him so much..dear..u look more chubby..
aku minx handpon die and die xmau bg..hahahahahah
i saje larh mintak fon u..aku tau ko takkan bagi bab ko wisau aku terbace msg ko ngan gul oppsss "gurl-friend want to be" kn?..
hey!! aku da xkisah lar...i'm not ur gf anymore..then y i nk jelez n u nk wisau beb??
actually yes..i aku da ley accept a fact...tu yang penting..ntah nape aku jadi camni..mane dtg tah kekuatan nie..hahahahahaha!
hey!! i pray for ur hapiness dear..and u..plzz pray for my next day interview k??
pastu g karoke jap..urmmm lagu BERTAKHTA DI HATI tu special dedicate for u..klau viva kaw idop lagi aku nk je suh ko rakam..hahahahaha!..
thanks puji sore aku sedap..tibe2 plak tesedap..maybe tuk bg kaw dgr sore n rintihan terakhir aku kowt..ahahahahah!
nyway faiz..u make my day rini epy sgt even berat aty aku nk say good bye tuk ko..aku hope pasniyh ko akan jadik lebiyh matured, setia and not to be ego sgt k..i know she's ur rite choice..grab ur oppurtunities..she the one rite??i pray for u..:-) run to her and say YOU LOVE HER DAMM MUCH K??!!
and to aai..thanks k for all everything u have done..sepanjang aku kwn ko aku de ter saketkan aty sorry..nyway ko best beb..!!and dis msg credit to akmal and yayan gak!!
nyway faiz..yer..aku xnak kapel ngan ko da..but aku nak kawen ngan ko..hahahahahahah
igt tau pe aku ckp..and thanks simpan gamba aku lg kat dompet..really appriciate..ty da kapel wif dat gul return back k..xpown ko bakor jer..abeh citer..hahahhahaha
lastword..thanks for today..u make me smile..even my smile is the best lie....i miss to smile like dat..<3

senyummmmmmm hasrin <3


  1. u're really tough honey . smile always okay ? i love the way u are . :)

    btw , karok lagu farah dhiya yang ni memang terbaek uhh ! best gile .

  2. i dont know who u are but im a girl same like u. so be tough. kumbang bukan seekor :)

    do follow me back :)

  3. yup!!!lagu tu sgt best!! mendalam kowt maksud.hope die phm..hgahahahahahah..nyway..kumbang mmg byk kat lua!sker!
